We’re 2 months down into 2017 already. It seems that the years are going faster every year, even though we know that’s not possible.
So, it’s the end of February, and how are you progressing on the goals you set for your business at the start of the year?
I’m asking because constant referencing your goals is what you must do to keep your focus and your business on track. As we progress further into the year, and dealing with the day to day of everyday ‘work’, it’s easy to be lead off course.
If you think of one road dividing into two, with only a 5 degrees’ separation between them, at first there isn’t much difference in the view. But as you progress down either road, the division between the two roads becomes greater until they are miles apart. Then when you realize that you have been travelling on the wrong road, you must back track or divert your direction to get back on the correct road.
Don’t let this happen with your goals and your business. Keep your goals where you can see them and stay focused.
P.S.: If goals aren’t written down and have a completion date, then they are just dreams. Write yours down and focus on reaching them everyday.